Creative Being On Hold No More
The above six words, my autobiography, was written in 2012. These words are more than that though. They are my statement of faith. They are my narrative. They are my identity. My resolve. I was created to create. I can do nothing else. Telling me I have to stop creating is like telling me to stop breathing. I cannot live the life I was meant for without it! My creativity was on hold for many years. But No More!
Seeing and feeling texture, light, color, and sound stirs my soul. Nature, people and their stories and, harvesting anything vintage are inspirations for my art! Making something out of rubbish delights me. On canvas and on paper, alone or all together in layers I brush, splatter, scratch, drip and play with marking mediums. At times I arrange old as well as new remnants of sheet music, dictionary, Bible pages, and junk mail. I sew in fabric scraps that have been discarded and attach other found fibers. As they start relating to one another, they become a cohesive work of art. Something beautiful and treasured has come from nothing, brokenness or debris and reminds me this process is happening in my own life as well.
As I collaborate with purpose, with my Creator and others, to write my story and, create goodness and art, I am reflecting something of His character. We all are. Although my life, stories, poems, art and journals can be kept private, I am convinced that life is most fulfilled when I share them.
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